
Isolation, Production And Purification Of Streptokinase From Streptococcus Py ogenes

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Streptokinase a fibrinolytic enzyme is very effective in treating acute myocardial infarction and it is certainly more cost-effective. In view of the relatively recent availability of the competing recombinant tPA, skepticism is being expressed about the continued viability of streptokinase therapy. Despite this research on streptokinase continues, and it remains a vital and affordable therapy especially in the world's poorer healthcare systems. Our present study focuses on the production of streptokinase from Streptococcus pyogenes species and partial purification of streptokinase by ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis and column chromatography. The enzyme is quantified by Lowry's method and its electrophoretic mobility and molecular weight were determined by SDS-PAGE.



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Indian Streams Research Journal ISSN 2230-7850
Volume-3, Issue-6, July-2013
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ix.Baewald G, G. Mayer, R. Heikel, KD. Volzke, R. Roehlig,
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x.Chitte R.R, Dey S (2000). Potent fibrinolytic enzyme from
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xi.Collen, D., 1990. Coronary thrombolysis: streptokinase or
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