
Description Of Protozoan Ciliate Entodinium Simplex (dogiel, 1925) From The Rumen Of Indian Cattle, (bos Indicus)

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Rumen fluid samples were collected to study the taxonomy of rumen ciliate protozoa belonging to genus Entodinium, from stomach adult Indian cattle (Bos indicus). The present paper deals with the morphology of Entodinium simplex (Dogiel, 1925) and is described for the first time from rumen of Indian cattle in India. It's Body measurements, frequency distribution and Variation of characters are recorded. Critical comments are made on it's specific identity. The observations are based on a study of 50 specimens taken at random from different samples E.simplex is an medium size elongated species with an elongated macronucleus. The posterior end is slender without any indication of spine or lobes.



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