
Jain And Llngayata Religions In India : A Sociological Perspective

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Religion is closely related to society. Religion contributes to the formation, maintenance and continuation of social order. Thomas O'Dea clarifies, "Religion is one of the important institutional structures making up the total social system".2 Religion is also a basic need of human beings. Archie J.Balm says, "Religion is man's quest for his ultimate value".3 D.S.Sharma points out, "Religion is the highest need of human nature. Just as our bodies require food for their substance and our minds require knowledge for their expansion, so do our souls require religious experience for their perfection."4 Religion is the revelation of an individual and social life. Kingsley Davis clarifies, "So universal, permanent and pervasive is religion in human society that unless we understand it thoroughly, we shall fail to understand society".5