
A Study Of Imc Mix & Consumer Buying Behavior With Special Reference To Small Car Segment In Satara District

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Indian Auto Industry has undergone a noticeable transformation over a past few decades owing to presence of global auto manufacturers. As a result it is very interesting to understand what transformation took place in the buying behavior of consumers for automobile products with the help of small car segment in SATARA DISTRICT. Indian consumers have also become more selective and demanding. This can ensure bright prospects for Indian automobile Industry in days to come. This all can constitute a major challenge to every auto maker to attract consumers. Hence to create a distinctive image of one's products in the mind of consumers one has to make the best use of IMC Mix. Since the key to success of any business lies not only in having good products but also in being able to use an ideal communication mix that can modify consumer behavior in the favor of marketer. Thus it is believed that use of the ideal mix of IMC tools may help bring about desired change in consumers' buying behavior. IMC is one of the crucial factors in the marketing efforts, responsible for product identification by the public & creating awareness among target customers for a firm's products. The reason for focusing on small car segment is that it has the largest contribution (i.e. almost 68%) amongst total vehicle segment.



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