
Relationship Of Community Organization And Community Development

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Abstract (Original Language): 
The Community Development Programme was envisaged to bring about “a change in the attitude of the cultivators. This programme was launched for propagation of technology in agriculture sector which was the mail pillar of Indian economy. The active acceptance of science and technology when applied to agriculture, could bring about an increase in production and thereby a distinct improvement in their standard of living”. The programme was seen by its launchers as a process of change from the traditional way of living of rural communities to progressive ways of living as a method by which people can be assisted to develop themselves on their own capacity and resources; as a programme for mobilizing certain activities in fields concerning the welfare of the rural people and as a movement for progress with & certain ideological content. Two processes in the methods to community development were identified — extension education and community organization. The detail about the significance of the community organization for community development is discussed in detailed in this paper.