The comparison between in vitro activity of third-generation cephalosporins and quinolones
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- İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
The antimicrobial sensitivities of a total 6X4 isolates (333-Cram negative bacilli and 351-Staphylococci) from clinical material were tested by Kirby-liauer disc diffusion test according to the procedure recommended by the National Committe for Clinical Lahoratoiy Standards (NCCLS. 1991). In vitro susceptibilities of these isolates against nine antimicrobial agents were evaluated. The strains of gram negative bacilli were found resistant to cefoperazone (2~.6%). cefotaxime (14.4%), cejlizoxime (13.5%), ceftazidime (11.4%). ceftriaxone (1().N%), norfloxacin (3.3%), pefloxacin (3%>). ofloxacin (1.2%>). and ciprofloxacin (1.2%). Staphylococci were resistant to ceftazidime (1~.1%>), cefoperazone (15.4%), cejlizoxime (14.5%). cefotaxime (12.5%). ceftriaxone (12.3%), pefloxacin (8.5%). norfloxacin (6.8%>), ojloxacin (4.0%) and ciprofloxacin (3. "%). /Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1(2): 104-Hr .1994/
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Abstract (Original Language):
Klinik materyallerden elde edilen toplam 684 izolatın (333'ü dram negatif basil ve 35 J' i Stafilokok) antimikrobiklere duyarlılıkları "National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (.XCCLS, 1991)" tarafından önerilen prosedüre uygun olarak Kirby-Baıter disk diffüzyon testi ile incelendi, halatların doku: antimikrobiyale karsı in vitro duyarlılıkları değerlendirildi. (İram negatif basiller .sefoperazona %2".6, sefotaksime %14.4, sejhzoksıme %13.5, sefiazidime "/oil.4, seftrıaksona %10.S. norjloksasine %3.3. pefloksasıne %3, ojloksasine %1.2 ve siprojloksasine %1.2 oranında dirençli bulundu. Stafılokoklar sefiazidime sefoperazona %15.4, sejhzoksıme %I4.5, sefotaksime %12.5. seftriaksona %12.3,
pejloksasine %X.5, norjloksasine %6.S, ojloksasine %4.0 ve siprojloksasine %3." oranında dirençli idi. (Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 1(2): 104-10", 1994}
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