
Fitobezoara Bagli Mekanik Ince Barsak Obstrüksiyonu : Vaka Takdimi

Mechanical small bowel obstruction due to phytobezoar : case report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this case report, a patient with mechanical small bowel obstruction due to phytobezoar is presented. Phytobezoars are unusual causes of small bowel obstruction. Truncal vagotomy associated with drainage or gastric resection in the treatment of gastroduodenal peptic ulcer and excessive ingestion of vegetable fiber are the main factors predisposing to phytobezoar formation. Clinically intestinal bezoars manifest themselves in most cases as intestinal obstruction. Phytobezoars should be considered preoperatively as a cause of obstruction in patients with previous ulcer surgery. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1996;3(2):121-123]
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çaliþmada fitobezoara baðli bir mekanik ince barsak obstrüksiyonu vakasi takdim edilmiþtir. Fitobezoarlar ince barsak tikanikliklarinin nadir görülen sebeplerindendir. Fitobezoar oluþumunda baþlica predispozan faktörler lifli besinlerin fazla alinmasi ve gastroduodenal ülser cerrahisinde uygulanan trunkal vagotomiyle birlikte drenaj veya gastrik rezeksiyon ameliyatlaridir. Klinikte bezoar vakalarinin çoðu intestinal obstrüksiyon bulgulari ile baþvururlar. Geçirilmiþ ülser cerrahisi anamnezi olan mekanik intestinal obstrüksiyon vakalarinda bezoarlar mutlaka akilda tutulmalidir. [Turgut Özal Tip Merkezi Dergisi 1996;3(2):121-123]



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