
Bacağın Konjenital Anguler Deformiteleri : Konjenital Tibia Psödoartrozu ve Posteromedial Angulasyonu

Congenital angular deformities of the leg : congenital pseudoarthrosis and congenital posteromedial angulation of the tibia

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Congenital angular deformities of the leg are rare. Congenital anterolateral angulation of the tibia is a complex deformity which needs close observation because, fracture and pseudoarthrosis are always potential risk. Here we report 4 cases in which two had congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia and the other two had congenital posteromedial angulation of the tibia which were managed between 1994-1996 and the related literature were reviewed. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1996;3(4):363-367]
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bacağın konjenital anguler deformiteleri nadir görülür. Özellikle tibianın konjenital anterolateral angulasyonu, kırılma ve psödoartroz gelişmesi riski nedeniyle yakın izlenmesi gereken kompleks bir bozukluktur. Bu yazıda 1994-1996yılları arasında takip ve tedavi edilen iki konjenital tibia psödoartrozlu ve iki konjenital tibia posteromedial angulasyonlu dört olgu sunulmuş ve ilgili kaynaklar gözden geçirilmiştir. [Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 1996;3(4):363-367]



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