

The correlation of dyslipidemia and diabetic regulation in patients with type II diabetes mellitus

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Serum lipid and lipoprotein levels of 40 patients (26 female, 14 male) with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus(DM) with a median age of 48,8±13 were compared with 30 healthy controls (18 female, 12 male) with a median age 45±11. In the patients, serum total cholesterol(TC), trigliseride (TG), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and subgroups were examined and changes in diabetic regulation were checked. HDL-C and subgroups were measured by Warnick et al. s double precipitation method. For the patient group, array ofTG,TC, LDC-C levels increased significantly. In the HDL-C and its subgroups, more significantly in HDL2-C and in HDL3-C, a decrease was determined. In correlation analysis, a negative correlation was determined among HbAlc and HDL2-C in patients with Type 2 DM(r =0.71, p<0.01), and a positive correlation was determined between HbAlc and TG (r = 0.68,p<0.01). Our findings support the view that the risk of atherosclerosis increases with distruption of diabetic regualtion in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Tip 2 Diabetes mellituslu (DM) yaş ortalaması 48.8H3 olan 40 hastanın (26 kadın, 14 erkek) serum lipid ve lipoprotein düzeyleri ortalama yaş grubu 46 ±11 olan 30 sağlıklı (18 kadın, 12 erkek) kontrol grubu ile karşılaşbnldı. Hastalarda serum total kolesterol (TK), trigliserid (TG), LDL-kolesterol (LDL-K), HDL-kolesterol (HDL-K), ve alt gruptan incelendi ve diabet regülasyonu ile değişikliklerine bakıldı. HDL-K ve alt gruplan Warnick ve arkadaşlarının çift presipitasyon yöntemi ile öiçüldü. Hasta grubunda sırası ile TG, TK, LDK-K düzeyleri anlamlı olarak yüksekti. HDL-K ve altguruplannda ise HDLr-K da daha belirgin olmak üzere HDU -K da düşüklük saptandı. Korelasyon analizinde Tip2 DM hastalarda HbAlc ile HDLz-K arasında negatif korelasyon (M).71,p<0.01), HbAlcile TG arasında pozitif korelasyon (r=0.68,p<0.01) saptandı. Bulgulanmız, Tıp 2 DMlu hastalarda diabet regülasyonu bozukluğu ile atheroskleroz riskinin arttığı görüş/erini destek/emektedir



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