Erythrocyte Catalase Activities in Alcohol Consumption, Medications and Some Diseases
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- İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
) has a catalytic role in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and a peroxidic role in which the peroxide is utilized to oxidize a range of H donors. The objective of the present study was to determine whether alcohol consumption, medications, and diseases have an effect in the erythrocyte on CAT activity or not. For this purpose, the subjects were divided into three different groups with their unique criteria:
1- alcoholic and nonalcoholic, 2- subjects under medication and no medication, and 3- subjects with leukemia, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, and heart diseases.
CAT activity was measured by the method of Aebi. The hemoglobin levels were determined by Olympus AU-600 auto analyzer. Hematological parameters such as MCH, HCT, MCHC, MCV, and RBC were studied by Coulter STKS instrument. There was no effect of medication on CAT activity 3155±1039 k/g Hb for subjects under medication and 3051±956 for other subjects (p>0.05). When CAT activities of the disease groups with leukemic, cardiac, hepatitis, and diabetic were compared to the control group, there were no significant differences between them. We found that enzyme activity was affected significantly by only alcohol consumption. CAT activities were 3059±958 k/g Hb in nonalcoholic subjects and 3644±984 k/g Hb in alcoholic subjects (p<0.03).
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Abstract (Original Language):
Katalaz (CAT)
n peroksidin parçalanmasinda katalitik rol oynarken, peroksidin hidrojen donörüne okside edilmesinde peroksidik bir rol oynar. Bu çalismada alkol tüketimi, ilaçlar ve hastaliklarin eritrosit katalaz aktivitesi üzerine etkisini arastirmak amaçlanmistir. Bu amaç için denekler 3 farkli gruba ayrildilar; 1- alkol alan ve almayan
2- ilaç alan ve almayan 3 - lösemi, hepatit, diabetes mellitus ve kardiyak hastaliklari olanlar.
Katalaz aktivitesi Aebi metodu ile ölçüldü. Hemoglobin düzeyleri Olympus AU-600 otoanalizörüyle tayin edildi. MCH, HCT, MCHC, MCV ve RBC gibi hematolojik degerler Coulter STKS cihaziyla çalisildi. ilaç alan ve almayanlarin katalaz aktivitesinde bir farklilik gözlenmedi (3155 ? 1039 k/g Hb ve 3051 ? 956 k/g Hb, p>.0,05). Saglikli kisilerdeki ile lösemililerin, kalp hastalarinin, hepatitlilerin ve diabetes mellituslularin katalaz aktiviteleri arasinda fark bulunamadi. Alkol ile enzim aktivitesi belirgin bir sekilde artti. CAT aktiviteleri alkol almayanlarda 3059 ? 958 k/g Hb ve alkol alanlarda 3644 ? 984 k/g Hb olarak bulundu (p<0,03).
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