
Inönü Üniversitesi Saglik Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Hemsirelik Ve Ebelik Programi Ögrencilerinin Cinsel Yolla Bulasan Hastaliklar Hakkindaki Bazi Bilgilerinin Ve Bunu Etkileyen Faktörlerin Degerlendirilmesi

A Study on the Knowledge of The Nursing and Midwife Health Technical College Students about STD's and Influential Factors

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This research has been made to evaluate the knowledge of the students on STD's and the factors effecting it and to compare the students who have been taking this training to those who have not taken it. The students have been trained during their education. When the knowledge on STD's for those who have been trained on STD's and for those who have not been trained are evaluated, it has been found out that 45 % of the trained students and 11 % of the untrained ones have taken points over 50. Comparing the trained students to the untrained ones, the difference between them is significant for the knowledge points (p<0.001). It has been determined that 71.6 % of the students know how to be protected from STDs. The difference between the students who know how to use condom, which is the most effective method of protection from STD's, their programmes and their classes is signifying (p<0.01). The higher the student's class is, the higher the number of students who know the necessary points in using condom is. The difference between the school which the students graduated from (p<0.01), and their education and to know the methods of diagnosing AIDS is signifying. As a result; Having education on STD's or not, the school which they have graduated from, the programme and the class which they have attended have effected their knowledge on STD's.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu arastirma, öğrencilerin CYBI konusunda bilgi durumlarini, bunu etkileyen faktörleri değerlendirmek, egitim alan ve almayan ögrenciler arasinda karsilastirma yapmak amaciyla yapilmistir. Ögrenciler örgün egitimleri sirasinda egitim almistir. CYBi konusunda egitim alan ve almayan ögrencilerin bilgi puanlari degerlendirildiginde, egitim alan ögrencilerin %45'inin, egitim almayanlarin %11'inin, 50 ve üzerinde puan aldigi saptanmistir. Egitim alan ve almayan ögrenciler arasinda bilgi puan açisindan karsilastirma yapildiginda aradaki fark anlamlidir (p<0.001). Ögrencilerin %71.6'sinin genital sistemi tutan ve cinsel yolla bulasan hastalıklardan korunmak için dikkat edilmesi gereken kurallari bildikleri saptanmistir. CYBi lardan korunmada en etkin yöntem olan kondomun kullanim seklini bilen ögrenciler ile ögrencilerin programlari, siniflari arasinda fark anlamlidir (p<0.05). Ögrencilerin sinifinin artmasina paralel olarak kondomun kullanilmasinda dikkat edilecek noktalari bilen ögrencilerin sayisi artmistir. Ögrencilerin mezun oldugu okul (p<0.01), egitim alma durumu ile AIDS' in tani yöntemini bilmeleri arasinda fark anlamlidir. Sonuç olarak; Ögrencilerin CYBI lar hakkinda egitim alip almamasi, mezun oldugu okul, ögrencinin bulundugu program ve sinifi CYBi larda bilgi düzeyini etkilemistir.



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