
Otoimmün Oral-Dental Ve Diski Örneklerinde Bacteroides Spp. Prevalansi

The Prevalance of Bacteroides Spp. in Oral -Dental nnd Stool Samples

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Abstract (2. Language): 
in this research which was done for the purpose of determination of the prevalance of Bacteroides spp.in oral-dental and Stool Samples, totally 35 Bacteroides from 420 different clinical samples were isolated. While 14 isolated Bacteroides out of 35(40%) were identified at species level, the presumptive identification of 21 isolated Bacteroides (60%) was performed at genus level. Most of the isolated bacteria were obtained from the oral-dental samples. Eight of these isolated bacteria obtained from the oral-dental samples were identified such as 4 of them B.capillosus, 1 B.eggerthii, 1 B.distasonis, 1 B.ruminicola subsp.brevis and 1 non-fermentative Bacteroides group. Six of these isolated bacteria obtained from the stool sample have been so found that 2 of them were indentified as B.multiacidus, 1 B.capillosus, 1 B.fragilis, 1 B.uniformis and 1 B.thetaiotaomicron, which were obtained from the stool samples, were identified such as 2 B.multiacidus, 1 B.capillous, 1 B.fragilis, 1 B.uniformis and 1 B.thetaiotaomicron. 20 of the 21 isolated Bacteroides had been obtained from the oral-dental abscess and 1 from the stool sample. For isolation purposes Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar and Streptomycin-Vankomisin Blood Agar media, which make the reproduction of the Bacteroides easier have been used.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Oral dental v e diski örneklerinde Bacteroides prevalansini belirlemek amaciyla yapilan bu çalismada 420 degisik klinik örnekden toplam 35 Bacteriodes izole edildi. 35 izolatin 14(%40)'ü tür seviyesinde tanimlanirken, 21(%60) izolatin cins seviyesinde muhtemel identifikasyonu gerçeklestirildi. En fazla bakteri izolasyonu oral-dental örneklerden elde edildi. Oral-dental örneklerden elde edilen 8 izolatin 4'ü B.capillosus 1'i B.eggerthii, 1'i B.distasonis, 1'i B.ruminicola subsp.brevis ve 1'i non-fermentatif Bacteroides grubu olarak tanimlanmistir. Diski örneginden 6 izolat elde edilmis olup, bunlardan 2'si B.multiacidus, 1'i B.capillosus, 1'i B.fragilis, 1'i B.uniformis ve 1'i B.thetaiotaomicron olarak tanimlandi. Cins seviyesinde tanimlanan 21 izolatin 20'si oral-dental apse ve 1'i diski örneginden elde edilmistir. izolasyon amaciyla Bacteroides'lerin üremesini kolaylastirici Bacteroides Bile Esculin agar ve Streptomisin-Vankomisin kanli agar besiyerleri kullanilmistir.



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