
Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empericial study in Malaysia

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore and identify the impact of Internet addictions on young adults in Malaysia. There are six impacts identified, of which five are negative impacts and one is a positive impact. Design/methodology/approach: This study comprised a sample of 200 young adults in Malaysia. A cross-sectional research design was used to examine the impact of Internet addiction. Data were gathered based on personal administered questionnaires. Findings: Mann-Whitney U test results show that the adults those are using Internet excessively were having some problems such as interpersonal problem, behavioural problem, physical problem, psychological problem, and work problem in their daily life. The young adults believed that the Internet usage can help them to improve their skills for doing their work better. This study also reveals that males were likely having working problems, psychological problems, behavioural problems and interpersonal problems than female. On the other hand, females were having their physical problems while using Internet excessively. Research limitations/implications: The data for this study are collected by selfadministered questionnaires, a method with well-known shortcomings. Secondly, the sample size itself is relatively small. This study can be strengthened by increasing the sample size and including participants in other geographical areas in Malaysia. Practical implications: The present study reveals five negative impacts i.e. interpersonal problem, behavioural problem, physical problem, psychological problem, and work problem for excessive Internet usage. Government agencies like Health department of Malaysia and other government agencies should create better awareness of the problem having while using Internet. It can be done by having seminars or introduction sessions at all universities in Malaysia. Originality/value: The findings are original and unique and are based on the literature from different western researches. The results are based on a sample of young adults in Malaysia. The research findings are useful to academics and heavy Internet users who are hooked with Internet to their everyday life.

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