
Modelo de negocio para optimizar las estrategias productivas de personalización en masa

Mass customization business model for the optimization and implementation of the strategy

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose: Describe a general process and business model for mass customization, highlighting the key elements for its implementation, either as a central or complementary production strategy. The proposed model is based on a thorough literature review and is defined in its full dimension, describing the different stages,elements, inter-relationships and information flows; offering a global perspective that could not be found in the existing literature. Design/methodology: In the in-depth literature review performed, it was not possible to find a business model or structure for the mass customization process that was either generally accepted, or viewed the process with a broad perspective and as a whole. However, the literature offered five partial and different approaches, from which it was possible to build the proposed integrated business model for mass customization. Findings: This work defines and develops an overall mass customization process, implementation and business model. The model has three stages and emphasizes the iterations that exist between them, including the feedback loop processes. The model is particularly useful to focus in the value creation. It sets out the principles for identifying value in the mass customization and how the value is generated in this particular strategy. Research limitations/implications: The business model presented is theoretical, so it would be interesting to develop an empirical contrast. Likewise, been a model for general application, it has not been possible to enter into the peculiarities of each industry. Practical implications: Mass customization productive strategy generates value by offering products that satisfy individual preferences, with costs and efficiencies similar to the mass produced ones. Therefore integrates the advantages of differentiation and cost leadership competitive strategies. The definition of the proposed business model can allow managers to reflect on how to implement this strategy and how to assess the value creation of the product customizable attributes. Social implications: Within the current global market competitive structure, mass customization strategy can be seen as an innovative formula to enable the achievement of a competitive position well accepted by consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to count with a clear business model associated with this strategy. Originality/value: This paper proposes a business model for mass customization strategy, which includes all stages, their interrelationships and consequent information flows. A complete model that cannot be found in the literature and that can provide the knowledge and understanding about mass customization. It may be of interest for the industry, especially for general and functional managers, a community that until this moment, mass customization has had little acceptance and actual diffusion.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Limitaciones: El modelo de negocio presentado es teórico, por ello es interesante desarrollar un contraste empírico. Así mismo, al ser un modelo de aplicación general no ha sido posible entrar en las peculiaridades de cada industria. Implicaciones prácticas: La estrategia productiva de personalización en masa permite la generación de valor ofreciendo productos que satisfacen preferencias individuales, con costes y eficiencias similares a los de producción en masa, por tanto integra las ventajas de las estrategias competitivas de diferenciación y bajo coste. La definición del modelo de negocio propuesto permite a los directivos reflexionar sobre como implementar esta estrategia y como valorar las características personalizables de los atributos del producto a ofertar, para generar valor. Implicaciones sociales: Dentro de la estructura competitiva del mercado global actual, la estrategia de personalización en masa se puede contemplar como una fórmula innovadora para poder posicionarse competitivamente, que además se acepta bien por los consumidores. Por tanto, es necesario definir claramente un modelo de negocio asociado a dicha estrategia. Originalidad / Valor añadido: En este artículo se propone un modelo de negocio para la estrategia productiva de personalización en masa, que contempla todas las etapas, sus interrelaciones y flujos de información que se originan en todas sus dimensiones. Un modelo completo que no se puede encontrar en la literatura y que puede facilitar el conocimiento y entendimiento de la personalización en masa por parte de la industria y sus directores funcionales y generales, comunidad en la que hasta este momento la personalización en masa ha tenido muy poca aceptación y difusión real.

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