
Training in Spanish organizations: Trends and future perspectives

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose: This study aims to identify training trends in Spanish organizations. Design/methodology/approach: A survey methodology is conducted and the questionnaire is the strategy to collect information. In order to construct the sample, a previous selection of enterprises was done out of the 50 000 enterprises registered at DICODI (Data base of main Spanish societies 2004/2005). The sampling was done by quotas. The quotas or categories selected were: the enterprises’ activity sector, gender and job position. Findings: The research describes the actual state of training trends and the changes that seem to glimpse out of the considered dimensions: training planning, goals, recipients, modalities, resources, evaluation, training professionals and outsourcing. Research limitations: The study was carried out through a not randomized sample, so the results cannot be generalized. Practical implications: Organizations can make future proposals from the facts exposed in our research.Originality/value: Is the first time in our context that a research of this type is performed, showing significant matches in the results with other studies of international reference.



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