
Effects of the PowerPoint methodology on content learning

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose: This study focuses on whether the use of PowerPoint technology as the main resource to convey information has an effect on students’ learning compared with classes taught without this technology. Design/methodology/approach: The sample consisted of 205 psychology students, divided into four groups, who were taught an ordinary Educational Psychology lesson. In two of these groups, a PowerPoint presentation (19 slides) was used to deliver the contents, while in the other two the same contents were delivered by the professors with the only aid of the blackboard. After the lesson, students’ learning was assessed by means of a questionnaire consisting of ten multiple-choice items. Findings: Results showed significant differences (p < 0.000), with the scores of the groups without PowerPoint an average of 19% higher than the groups with PowerPoint. Originality/value: The use of technology can have a very positive influence on learning, provided that its use fits the circumstances inherent in learning.



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