
Science and Technology Teachers’ Views of Primary School Science and Technology Curriculum

Science and Technology Teachers’ Views of Primary School Science and Technology Curriculum

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This phenomenographic study attempts to explicit science and technology teachers’ views of primary school science and technology curriculum. Participants of the study were selected through opportunistic sampling and consisted of 30 science and technology teachers teaching in primary schools in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. Data were collected through an open-ended question form, and content analyzed. The reliability was computed as 97%. Findings revealed that there are four themes generated; “a glance at the goals of primary school science and technology curriculum”, “a glance at the content of primary school science and technology curriculum”, “a glance at the teaching-learning process of primary school science and technology curriculum” and “a glance at the evaluation process of primary school science and technology curriculum”. Participants’ views were discussed under these themes.



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