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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study aimed to determine the relationship between music teacher candidates’ motivation levels of instrument lesson and preference of career Education and in accordance with these aims, survey method was used in the research. The research universe comprises music teacher candidates studying at Music Education Departments of Fine Arts Teaching Departments of Education Faculties and the sample of the research comprises first, second, third and fourth grade students studying at Music Education Departments of Fine Arts Teaching Departments of Education Faculties of Marmara University, Gazi University, Dokuz Eylül University and Abant İzzet Baysal University. “Personal Data Questionnaire” and “Motivation Scale for Individual Instrument Lesson” was applied as measurement instrument. In this research to investigate any difference motivation levels of students’ accordance with four sub-dimensions (interest, educational atmospher, environment, professional expectation) of the Motivation Scale between, • Choosing the Music teacher Education as willingly and • Planning of to do the other profession (except for Music teacher) after graduation. As a result; Motivation levels of the students for their instruments differed significantly in accordance with the variable ‘the career aspirations’. From the point of music teacher candidates’ choosing their profession willingly, the scores of the Motivation Scale’s sub-dimension of ‘interest’ appeared to be higher among the ones who chose their profession willingly.



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15 The International Journal of Educational Researchers (IJERs)
Relationship Between The Motivation Levels Of The Music Teacher Candidates Related To Learning Musical Instruments And Their Selections Of Career Training
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