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The main goal of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Perception of Parents Scale (POPS) developed by Robbins (1994), with a sample of middle-adolescents with ages between 14 and 18 years. The confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the reliability and validity of a three-dimension model of adolescents’ perception of mother and father based on perspective of Self-Determination Theory. Results of the confirmatory factor analyses suggested the original factor structure of the POPS does not fit the data for adolescents ratings of mother and fathers on the measures. As a result of modification indices check, the relationships between the error terms of items were determined. The second confirmatory factor analyses revealed that the new three-factor model provides acceptable fit. It was concluded that the POPS constitutes a useful tool for the assessment of both parent and peer attachment in adolescent aged between 14 and 18 years



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The International Journal of Educational Researchers (IJERs) Sayfa 9
The Adaptation Of Perception Of Parent Scale (Pops) Into The Turkish Culture
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