
A novel approach for Velopharyngeal prosthetic rehabilitation: Case series

A novel approach for Velopharyngeal prosthetic rehabilitation: Case series

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Abstract: Palatopharyngeal dysfunction may take place when palatopharyngeal valve is unable to perform its own closing due to a lack of tissue (palatopharyngeal insufficiency) or lack of proper movement (palatopharyngeal incompetence). Palatopharyngeal insufficiency induces nasal regurgitation of liquids, hypernasal speech, nasal escape, disarticulations and impaired speech intelligibility. Prosthetic management of palatopharyngeal insufficiency requires a close co-operation between an otolaryngologist and a speech pathologist. As a result, the patient can be socially and physically rehabilitated with the improved speech quality as well as prevention of leakage of liquids. This case series describes rehabilitation of two patients with soft palate defect and subsequent velopharyngeal insufficiency by velo-pharyngeal prostheses using novel approach.



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