
Stem cell therapy: Boon for osteoarthritis?: Review article

Stem cell therapy: Boon for osteoarthritis?: Review article

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Aging and Health is the theme of world health day 2012.However worldwide, osteoarthritis (OA) is estimated to be the fourth leading cause of disability.Most of this disability burden is attributable to the involvement of the hips or the knees. The large and expanding body of publications utilizing stem cell technology in orthopedic applications indicates that the infusion of stem cells and growth factors result in the modulation of T cell activity, decreased inflammatory chemicals and the stimulation of the chondocytes. The advantage that stem cell treatment has over joint replacement surgery is that it’s much less invasive. Stem cell therapyVs total knee replacement therapy for osteoarthritis-Long term results of knee replacement have not yet fully established. Immediate and delayed complications particularly infection,loosening,bone collapse and other anesthetic, post operative complications can be considered when other alternatives are exhausted.



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