
Game theoretical approach of user behavior based on personal opinion in Online Video Social Networks

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the last decade, the web has known a major evolution with the appearance of web 2.0 and its applications. One of those popular tools is the Online Video Social Networks (OVSN). Video content is becoming a predominant part of the daily life of users on the Web. Henceforth the study and modeling this kind of platforms, emerge as necessity. In this paper, we study the interaction of user community with videos shared and viewed in online video social networks. The concept of freedom giving to users in these platforms allows them to express their opinion toward those videos. Based on the analysis of the mechanisms of interaction in OVSN, we developed a personal opinion model for online users in this case. To deal with this problem we constructed a Petri Net model and we use it to derive a payoff function, these bring us to the Game theory field. Although our model is inspired from earlier studies, at the heart of our whole approach is abstracting the complex mechanism of interactions by the solution concept of Nash equilibrium, which allowed us to deal with richer problem instances. We conclude this paper by outlining several interesting lines of future work.



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