
mportance of the Meskat system and its landscape insertion through the olive groves of Sousse Region (Tunisian Sahel)

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The present work aims to study the importance of the hydrological Meskat system and its landscape insertion through the olive groves of Sousse region. The inventory of the anti-erosion works reveals that the management of watersheds by the Meskat system was performed on approximately 44 000 ha, so, 40.5% of the supported area of the region by the erosion control structures (108 500 ha). This is an architectural and hydraulic heritage with a good quality rural landscape. This work aims to minimize the soil losses, to capture the surface runoff, to increase the soil fertility and to improve the crop yields. The current landscape of Meskats is an old as well as a current farmer’s work. There is a richness conceded by the ancestors to their descendants. But this heritage is, in some cases, badly preserved. It should be noted that if, in the past, olive-tree left to the reconquest of the lowest parts of the hills to take advantage of the runoff, in the present, the urban population is looking for a natural landscape, is leaving to the reconquest of the hills (impluviums) to enjoy a world of pleasant views over the surrounding agricultural landscape, which risk the peril. However, the Meskat system remains the essential component of the territory organization, of the olive oil production and of the suburban and rural landscapes in Tunisian Sahel.



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