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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: There exists a wide range of variation in the prices of drugs marketed in India and other countries of the world. Very few studies have been conducted to reveal such price variations in the open market. Aim & Objectives: To evaluate the cost of oral anti-diabetics of different generic classes and different brand names of one compound, To evaluate the difference in cost of different brands for the same active drug by calculating percentage variation of cost. Methods: Cost of a particular drug being manufactured by different companies, in the same strength, number and dosage form was compared. The difference in the maximum and minimum price of the same drug manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies and the percentage variation in price was calculated. Results: In Single drug therapy, among sulfonylurea group of drugs, Glimepiride (1 mg) shows maximum price variation of 655.38%, while Glipizide (10mg) shows variation of 38.88%. In Biguanides & Thizolidinediones groups of drugs, Metformin (500 mg) & Pioglitazone (15 mg) show maximum price variation of 308.33% & 542% respectively. In α-glucosidases inhibitor group of drugs, Miglitol shows maximum price variation of 135.50 %. In combination therapies, Glipizide & Metformin combination shows the maximum variation up to 399.04 %. Conclusion: The average percentage price variation of different brands of the same drug manufactured in India is very wide and the appraisal and management of marketing drugs should be directed toward maximizing the benefits of therapy and minimizing negative personal and economic consequences.



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