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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study is to determine the learning and study strategies that prospective English teachers’ use. The participants of the study consisted of 155 students participating “Hacettepe University English Teaching Certificate Program” in the 2009-2010 education year. In the study, “Learning and Study Strategies Inventory” developed by Weinstein, Palmer and Schulte (1987) was used as an instrument. LASSI is a likert-type instrument designed to ascertain the learning and study strategies of college students. LASSI consisted of 10 subscales and 77 items. These are, information processing, selecting main ideas, test strategies, anxiety, attitude, motivation, concentration, self testing, study aids, and time management. Each of these sub-scales is primarily related to one of three of the components of strategic learning: skill, will and self-regulation. Having analyzed the research findings, it may be said that the prospective English language teachers employ learning and study strategies moderately.



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