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Abstract (2. Language): 
Despite the oversimplified assumption that psychology focuses its interest on topics pertaining to individuals’ feelings (emotional) and driving forces for behavior (motivational), the truth is that it is quite broad in scope. For years, psychology exercised a profound impact on our everyday activities attempting, among others to provide the best methods of educating people. Since education is admittedly the most important investment it is necessary that e-learning is supported to provide opportunities for well-designed, learner-centered, interactive and successful learning environments. This study meaning to investigate teachers’ perception about anxiety and resistance in education sought answers to questions like: “Which are the stresses faced by students?”, “How can you reduce your students stress?’, “Which are some unhealthy ways of students dealing with stress?” As a result of the interviews the common stressors included conflicts with parents, exams participation, limited budgets, bodily image issues, time management and romantic relationship conflicts.



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