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Abstract (2. Language): 
The main aim of this research is behaviors and motivations of the students on the instructor’s social, physical and instructional attractiveness. This research is a descriptive work. 258 students (133 female and 125 male) who studied in 2008-2009 term at Anadolu University Communication Sciences Faculties Journalism, Cinema and Television, Public Relations, Advertising and Communication departments participated in the research. The instructor’s social, physical and instructional attractions and motivations were determined by using 5-point Likert scale. The findings of this research will be additions for determining and arguing the instructor’s responsibilities, besides educational ones as a communication director, for taking the students’ participation and success levels to a higher degree. Existing perceptions of the students on interpersonal attraction will be introduced in this research. The participants are students enrolled in the courses of two professors, two associate professors, two assistant professors and two lecturers who are the staff of Communication Sciences Faculties and in both genders.



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