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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this research it was carried out to examine the relationship between elementary students' attitudes towards mathematics and studying to mathematics lesson. For this purpose, the relationship between elementary students 'attitudes towards mathematics and studying to mathematics lesson of 500 primary school students in Istanbul is investigated. It is investigated whether there is a relationship between mathematics attitude and students' gender, and if there is someone that help to study lesson at home, and whether they have their own room and computer, and for what purpose the computer is used, and their family's economic level, and the duration of regular lesson study, and the duration of daily mathematics lesson study. To provide the data that is required for the purpose of the study; questionnaire containing demographic characteristics and "Mathematics Attitude Scale" that is developed by Baykul (1990), were used to collect data. It has been seen that there is significant differences, among students using the computer to prepare homeworks and all other students on behalf of using the computer to prepare homeworks. It was found a significant differences in mathematics attitude on behalf of the students who study regulary every day lesson; by comparison of students those study regulary lesson every day and the students those don't study regulary every day. Significant differences were found between the students who study lesson more than 2 hours a day and all other students,on behalf of the students who study lesson more than 2 hours a day. Also significant differences were found between Also a significant differences were found between children of 800-2000 TL-income families and children from other families, on behalf of children of 800-2000 TL-income families.



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