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Abstract (2. Language): 
The increasing number of institutions using “Student Evaluation of Teaching” (SET) has caused a growing controversy in the literature. Studies on the use of students’ ratings for evaluating teacher effectiveness have mostly questioned students as valid judges of teaching effectiveness, revealing positive and negative effects of SET. Based on the literature indicating that student ratings should be combined with data collected from different sources, the purpose of this study is to identify the relationship, if any, between the evaluation ratings of the students and coordinators. The study also aims to investigate the consistency of the ratings of the two groups over a two-year period. The participants consisted of 1028 Preparatory Program students, 99 teachers, 4 trainers and 4 Preparatory Program coordinators in the first year study, and 1211 Preparatory Program students, 99 teachers, nine coordinators in the second year. A Pearson’s correlation addressed the relationship between the mean ratings for teachers by the students (M = 4.12, SD =.56) and by the coordinators (M = 4.7, SD =.46). The correlation between the ratings was found to be statistically significant, r (99) =.45, p <.001. This indicates that ratings for teachers given by the students and given by the coordinators were positively related. Another correlation was employed to determine the relationship in the second year. The correlation between the ratings of the students (M = 4.38, SD =.44) and coordinators (M = 4.80, SD =.30) was also significant, r (99) =.43, p =.00. The study suggests that data collected from students is a valid evaluation tool in evaluation of the teachers.



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