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Abstract (2. Language): 
One of the most controversial issues in the history of education is training of genius or cognitive (g) superiority. Together with enlightenment, democratic community, which based on achievement, converted to the school systems. Hence, the meritocracy thesis, which defends social inequalities are an inevitable result of individual differences, has begun to rise. Some of the anti-theses, which use some terms such as meritocracy, IQism, and g-centrism, have hampered the classifying of education according to aristocracy of intelligence. From this point of view, aim in this study is not ignoring individual differences or equalizing neurological differences, but on the contrary, unlike approaches considering humans as simple, measurable/gradable beings, emphasizing that human being is complicated. At this point, genius or cognitive superiority requires a discussion within on the basis of equality of opportunity. Because, the cognitive superiority and giftedness issues are not only particular concern for pedagogy, but also field of interests of education economy and educational sociology. Thus; in this study, firstly, development of the subject in the literature for the elite is questioned, then (2) how elitism was contextually turned into IQizm in modern period is discussed historically and conceptually, and finally (3) by looking at the situation in Turkish educational system, the probable results of a model, which had previously proposed, have been discussed.



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