
Family Support needed for Adolescent Puberty

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Adolescents during their puberty will experience many physical and psychological changes that are very fast. Physical changes of puberty teens give effect to changes in psychological and social. Shape changes that accompany puberty include changes in cognitive, moral, emotional, social as a form of self-development of adolescents. Families have an important role to help youth grow and develop normally during puberty. Reality on the ground are still many families that have not been able fully to implement the family support to adolescents undergoing puberty. The purpose of this study to obtain the necessary family support during their teenage puberty. The design study is a qualitative phenomenology. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews of adolescent puberty. Data analysis using Colaizzi method. The first theme is the role of perceived family (support, negative attitudes and rules). The second theme is the expected behaviour of adolescent family (needed, considered, understood, satisfied, given the right to argue, improved communication, allowed to play, directed and controlled). Researchers suggest the formation of adolescent peer counsellor, clinical consultation and promotion family support for adolescent.



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