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Abstract (2. Language): 
The fruits of Asteraceae are technically termed as achene or cypsela which is developed from bicarpellary unilocular overy. The fruit is basically non endospermous but it has one to two layers of endosperm at mature state. The tr Millerieae is a new tribe (Panero et al, 2001) consisting of 34 genera and 400 species which are mainly distributed in Mexico and northern Andes and also in Old Morphological and anatomical variations of cypselas are very important to distinguish the species of this tribe. For this purpose 3 species of the tribe Millerieae such as Melampodium perfoliatum (Cav.) Kunth, L., Acanthospermum hispidum DC. have been studied to show the diversity of cypselar features. All of them exhibit morphological as well as anatomical variations. Among th studied species, Melampodium perfoliatum, procumbens have different from it cypselas Acanthospermum hispidum shows similar type of cypselas.



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Research Article ISSN: 2277-8713
Bidyut KJ, IJPRBS, 2012; Volume 1(5): 317-330 IJPRBS
Available Online At www.ijprbs.com
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Research Article ISSN: 2277-8713
Bidyut KJ, IJPRBS, 2012; Volume 1(5): 317-330 IJPRBS
Available Online At www.ijprbs.com
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