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Abstract (2. Language): 
Asteraceae or Compositae are regarded as one of the most advanced families of the dicotyledons. It is characterized by some characters, one of them is fruit. Fruit is developed from inferior, bicarpellary, one seeded structure, which is technically termed as achene or cypsela. In mature cypsela fruit wall or pericarp is either addpressed with seed wall or secondarily separated from seed wall. In mature cypsela, seed wall may or may not be associated with endosperm and endosperm layer exists in mature cypsela either one or two layers. The paper deals with cypselar morphology of 27 species from 11 genera of the family Asteraceae. Morphological features of the size, shape, colour of cypselas, apical part, surface hair, location of vascular trace, presence or absence of phytomelanin layer, structure of carpopodium and their cellular arrangements, pappus structure, stylopodia etc. are taxonomically significant. Exomorphic characters of cypselas serve as reliable taxonomic marker in systematic study.



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Available Online At www.ijprbs.com
Research Article
Bidyut kr. Jana, IJPRBS,
Volume 1(5): 463-484
12. Mukherjee SK and Sarkar AK: Study of macro-morphological and anatomical structures of cypselas of eighteen taxa of
ISSN: 2277-8713 IJPRBS
the tribe Vernonieae (Asteraceae). Not. Bot.
Soc., 2001; 55: 85-104.
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