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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: The act of suitcase trading was first conceived in the Caribbean, in Jamaica, among people who were known as 'higglers.' A 'higgler' was originally known as a buyer and seller of produce and goods usually purchased in small quantities from rural growers and sold in the town marketplace. In Trinidad it is common for pharmacies to purchase products from unauthorized distributors when supply is unavailable from authorized agents with cheaper prices also a factor. Aim: The aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of the suitcase trading in Trinidad Methods: Retail pharmacists with at least five years' experience in the field were randomly chosen from across the country and interviewed face to face using a structured questionnaire. Representatives from one of the large pharmaceutical companies were interviewed by telephone. Results: To provide best prices to consumers was the number one as well as the most important reason cited for engaging in the suitcase trade. The impression of pharmacists was that suitcase drugs are no different in quality compared to non-suitcase drugs and they can be acquired at a cheaper rate. Conclusion: Anecdotally, suitcase trade has significantly impacted on the pharmaceutical industry within Trinidad and Tobago. The main incentives for engaging in this trade were the attractive comparatively lower prices for the same product; however, retail pharmacists supported the tightening of regulations concerning this trade.



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