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Ethanol extracts of Solanum trilobatum Linn leaf and Fruit were investigated for Hepatoprotective activity and Antibacterial activity. In the dose of 100g exhibited significant hepatoprotective activity in all the models tested. Antibacterial activity of organic solvent and aqueous extracts of whole plant of Solanum trilobatum against Vibrio choleara and E.coli was evaluated. Plant extracts of Solanum trilobatum was prepared in organic solvents (Ethanol, petroleum ether and Methanol). Agar well diffusion techniques was used to assess the antibacterial activity of extracts against Vibrio choleare and E.coli. The diameter zone of inhibition was taken as an indicator of antibacterial effect. Ethanol extracts showed very feeble antibacterial response against Vibrio cholera. Thus Solanum trilobatum could be considered as a potential source of natural antibacterial. Increased Solanum trilobatum could be considered as a potential source natural antibacterial. Increased activity of Serum Transaminase, AST, ALP& LHD in Paracetomal rats, administrated of Solanum trilobatum leaf extracts decreases the activity of AST, ALT, ALP and LDH levels, this p roves Hepatoprotective activity of Solanum trilobatum.



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Available Online at www.ijprbs.com
Ramesh B., IJPRBS, 2013; Volume 2(4): 17-28
ISSN: 2277-8713
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