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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the genotoxicity of organophosphate pesticides acephate and profenofos by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the genetic material of a mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus taken as an experimental model. For this purpose, second instar larvae were treated with LC20 dose of the pesticides for 24 h and the nucleotide sequence variations in the partial 16S gene sequences of freshly hatched unfed control and treated individuals were studied. From the sequence alignment data of control and treated individuals, induced mutations in the form of deletion, insertion and substitution of bases were observed in acephate and profenofos treated individuals. It was found that after acephate treatment the 16S gene sequence suffered 4 deletions, 7 insertions and 19 substitutions while profenofos induced 3 deletions, 5 insertions and 15 substitutions. This study indicates that both the pesticides had significant potential to cause DNA damage for which PCR is a highly sensitive and reliable technique to detect sequence specific errors.



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Available Online at www.ijprbs.com
Preety Bhinder, IJPRBS, 2013; Volume 2(4): 280-290
ISSN: 2277-8713 IJPRBS
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