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Abstract (2. Language): 
The objective of the study was to isolate and characterize the bioactive phytoconstituents from Crataeva nurvala Buch-Ham stem bark. For isolation of the compounds, ethanolic extract of Crataeva nurvala stem bark was fractionated with chloroform and the chloroform fraction was subjected for conventional column chromatography. Three compounds (CN-01, CN-02 and CN-03) were isolated by gradient elution technique and purified with methanol. The subsequent structures of isolated compounds were elucidated by various spectrophotometric analysis. Mass spectrum of CN- 01, CN-02 and CN-03 showed a parent molecular ion (M+) peak at m/z 415.4 gm/mol correspond to the molecular formula C29H50O, 451.4 gm/mol correspond to C29H48O and 465.3 gm/mol correspond to C30H50O respectively. In the 1H- NMR spectrum of CN-01, H-3 proton appeared as multiplet (m) at δ 3.5, H-6 proton appeared as doubly doublet (dd) at δ 5.35, eighteen methyl protons appeared as multiplet (m) between δ 0.6765-1.07 where as in the 1H- NMR spectrum of CN-02, H-3, H-6 and H- 22 protons appeared as singlet (s) at δ 2.6, 4.5 and 4.34 respectively, H-23 proton appeared as multiplet (m) at δ 4.35, nine methyl proton appeared as singlet (s) at δ 0.68, 0.97 δ 0.72. In the 1H- NMR spectrum of CN-03, 4-β-CH3 peak appeared as singlet (s) at δ 0.7608, at δ 0.8297 & 0.7882 two sharp singlet (s) peak correspond to 17-β-CH3 & 4-α-CH3; another singlet (s) peak appearing at δ 0.9085 depicted presence of 14-α-CH3, multiplet (m) appearing at δ 1.1749 assigned for 10-α-CH3; singlet (s) appearing at δ 2.3848 corresponds to –OH gr, vinylic protons appeared at δ 4.6843 & 4.6901 as singlet (s), H-3 axial portion appeared at δ 3.2078 as multiplet (m) and singlet (s) peak at δ 1.0301 accounted for br. -CH3. From the physical, chemical and spectral characteristic CN-01, CN-02 and CN-03 were concluded as β-sitosterol, stigmasterol and lupeol.



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Available Online at www.ijprbs.com
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