
Investigating the Role of Interpersonal Communication on Academic staff – The Case of Public Universities in Bahrain

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose: To examine and assess academic staff communication skills and listening habits in an attempt to evaluate and asses their communication and listening skills and point out problems. Research Methodology: This article is a survey research using quantitative research methodology in investigating motives for communicating and listening habits among academic staff. Findings: The research findings revealed strong communication and feedback skills among teaching faculty. They also reflected good listening habits in listening to the speaker whether they were colleagues or students, without a lot of interruptions as well as allowing the speaker to express their viewpoints. No major problems were detected, as a very small percentage of the respondents interrupted speakers or judged others from the appearance. Research implications: enhancing listening and communication skills from a need to encourage a healthier classroom environment as well as academic life. This goes beyond knowledge management; it involves people and human relations and the process of creating a stronger bond. In addition, communication skills can be enhanced through a series of training and workshops aimed at tapping into verbal and nonverbal communication as well as listening and feedback skills. Finally, the investigation serves as a context for evaluating interpersonal skills in the two public universities in Bahrain. Originality and value: the study is the first study conducted in such educational institutions. Therefore, it would be of great value to have an insight in the academic minds, improving their communication ties as well as motivation.



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