
Investigating Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of Elite Farmers about of Importance and Effects of Climate Changes in Agriculture and Extension Education Activities in confronting them (in South Khorasan Province- Iran)

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Climate change is one of the most importance challenges for human life in recent years. It is causes natural disasters such as droughts, floods, famine and etc. for human being. In this article, author state a brief to drought management as an essential approach for regional development and maintaining employment in South Khorasan province farmers in their villages in east of Iran. Rainfall is the ultimate source of water, affecting production of crops and other biomass by direct falling on the fields as well as supporting surface and ground water irrigation. However, possibilities of drought occurrence in Iran vary from once in 20 years. The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, heat/cold waves, cyclones, delayed or early onset, long dry spells, early withdrawal, and floods in drought frequented areas and droughts in flood afflicted areas have increased during the last two decades due to global warming. Since drought is defined by deviation from the normal rainfall, it can happen in all regions. Assessment and management of drought is complex due to its gradual appearance and long lasting impact or recoveries. Characteristics and impact of drought vary from region to region and year to year. Drought affects human, livestock, wildlife, bio-diversity and degrades the quality of natural resource base. A comprehensive assessment of drought environmental and socio-economic impacts provides critical information to rational decisions supporting drought mitigation policies and programs. The purpose of this study was to survey environmental and socio-economic impacts of drought in South Khorasan Province Farmers-East of Iran and prioritized them according to the viewpoint of farmers. It was of the descriptive-correlation type. Questionnaire was the main tool of this study. To determine the validity of questionnaire used of comments of panel experts and reliability of the questionnaire by using of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 85%. The statistical population was the farmers whom their basic career was production of rice and according to the information of Agricultural Organization (Jihad-e-Keshavarzi) in 2010 was caught by drought. By using the proportional stratified sample method, 270 of these individuals were chosen and filled in the questionnaires. The results indicated that drought caused some environmental and socioeconomic impacts according to the viewpoint of barberry and saffron farmers. Prioritizing impacts of drought were economic, environmental and social respectively. Other findings indicated that there hasn’t been statistically significant relationship between age with environmental and social impacts and between land ownership type with economic and social impacts. But, there was statistically significant relationship between age and literacy level with economic impacts, also literacy level with social and environmental impacts and also between land ownership types with environmental impacts of drought. And in the end present some approaches and alternatives for conditions of South Khorasan Province farmers in east of Iran



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