
Potential Effects of Microclimatic Factors in Environmental Design of Building in Iraq Context

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Abstract (2. Language): 
At the present the building designers and researchers in the region often find it is difficult to identify reliable and current weather data and information. Although available free meteorological data are available, not always applied correctly and well understood by the users, because data complicity and the abstraction of sustainable design concept. This study discusses a novel study and develops the important climatic data in Iraq for sustainable building design. Base for analysing the long term weather data over the past 50 years and examine the practical issues of building design, useful climatic information and patterns are identified. The provided information will enable people to better understand the trends of local climate and build up the resources for assessing important issues of renewable energy and environmental design and to determine indoor environmental quality. The results indicated that the annual average of monthly mean during 50 years recording of global solar radiation incidents increased by 3.3%. While the results of the ambient temperature analysis show that mean annual temperatures measured Baghdad over the long term at increased by 7%. During the long-term (50 years) recording period, the annual cooling degree-day value has increased by 16%, while the analysis of annual degree-day data over the same period indicates an even greater reduction of 26%. The climatic data currently being used for energy design calculations leads to inaccuracies in predictions of energy use. Heating coefficients were consistently positive and their values varied between 0.1, in 0.46, while albedo values varied between 0.19 and 0.37. The results indicated that there is little monthly variation in the values of nocturnal net radiation.



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