
Projected Changes in Annual Temperature and Precipitation in Setif High Plains Region (North East of Algeria)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Known for its arid and semi-arid climate, Algeria is highly vulnerable to climate change. In this paper we present the projected temperature and precipitation changes in Setif high plains region (North East of Algeria) between three time slices: 2011- 2040 (centered on 2025), 2036-2065 (centered on 2050) and 2061-2090 (centered on 2075). MAGICC – SCENGEN5.3 (version 2) was used as a tool for downscaling the 4 chosen general circulation models (GCMs) output data. The projections are based on the SRES A2 and B2 scenarios. Under A2 scenario, The average model prediction of warming is 0.97, 1.75 and 2.88 °C across the three time slices, while the annual precipitation total is expected to reduce from -9% to -25.6%. Under B2 scenario, the four models estimate an increase in global temperature, but less than the first scenario. The average model prediction for the decrease in precipitation is -9%, -19.1% and -25.6% across the three periods.



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