
A Study of the Effect of Individuals’ General Indicators on the Staff Efficiency of Sistan and Baluchistan Agricultural Jihad Organization

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Efficiency means the maximum utilization of physical resources, financial resources, and labor force through minimum costs. As our resources are restricted, Efficiency improvement has become a necessity. Undoubtedly, stable economy development of countries depends on Efficiency improvement in every aspect. In such a competitive world, Efficiency improvements considered as the most important strategy and purpose of organizations and institutions. Fairness of payments, equality in organizational procedures and fair interpersonal behaviors in organization play important roles in staff Efficiency improvement and consequently, Efficiency improvement of jihad organization. The purpose of this study is to examine the employee’s effect on staff Efficiency of Sistan and Baluchistan agricultural jihad organization. This study is an applied study using an analytical- descriptive and temporal method. Research context is Sistan & Baluchistan agricultural jihad organization. For data collection, labor force Efficiency questionnaire was used. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software. It can be concluded from the results that there is no significant relationship between general indictors of people and their Efficiency.



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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 17, June 2013 92
www.IJSEI.com Paper ISSN: 2251-8843 ID: 21713-16
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