
Pharmacological Bioactivity Honey Bee Venom Apis Nigrocincta Smith and Apis Dorsata Binghami Endemic to North Sulawesi

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aims of this research are to find the venom composition and pharmacologic bioactivity of A. nigrocincta Smithand A. dorsata Binghami honey bee which are endemic of Sulawesi, including antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer activity. To identify the venom composition, the SDS PAGE method was applied. Antibacterial activity was assessed using agar diffusion method. Antioxidant activity was assessed by TBA method, while anticancer activity was examined using cytotoxic method in leukemia P388 cell line. The results showed that the BV1 (Apis dorsata Bighami) has 4 molecular bands of 33.54 kDa, 32.21 kDa, 21.51 kDa, 6.7 kDa, and 2.88 kDa, while DV2 (Apis nigrocincta Smith) has 4 peptide bands detected as follows: 33.54 kDa, 21.51 kDa, and 15.43 kDa. It was suspected that BV1 contains hyaluronidase/phospholipase A, phospolipase, lysophos-pholipase or antigen 5, protease inhibitor, and melitin. BV2 was suspected to contain hyaluronidase / phospholipase A, lysophospholipase or antigen 5. BV1 had a stronger antibacterial activity compared to BV2 towards E. cole cc and S. aureus cc isolated from infected wounds. The average BV1 antibacterial activity was higher than the activity of 50 ug/mL Ampicilin as positive control. BV1 antioxidant activity was stronger than BV2, in terms of the inhibition of MDA formation at concentration 500 ug/mL (80.78% vs. 75.10%, respectively). The anticancer activity of BV1 was also better than BV2 in term of IC50 (46.77 ug/mL and 66.2 ug/mL, respectively).



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