
Survival Analysis of Natural Insecticide Soursop Seed Extract in Aedes Aegypti Larvae Vector of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Manado City

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Survival Analysis of Natural Insecticide Seed Extract Soursop In vector Aedes aegypti larvae Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Manado City has done. Testing the assumption of homogeneity of variance test performed with SPSS Levene Test with the Levene's Test Sig> 0.05, which indicates the assumption of homogeneity range is met. Testing the normality assumption of the data was done by Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Testing is a tool of SPSS with the Sig (p-value)> 0.05 indicates the data met the assumption of normality. . One Way Anova Test results showed that the value of 230 879 Fcount and Sig F for 0000. From table-F with the statistics obtained Ftable of 4066. Because the value Fcount> F table and Sig F <0.05 indicates that there are differences in the level of real mosquito larvae mortality (significant) at different concentration levels. . The test results show MTTF or Mean Time To Failure (survival value) mosquito is the provision of 183 476 ppm concentration. Thus, the concentration of 183,476 ppm figure is a massive concentration of the most effective way to kill mosquito larvae. According to the criteria of toxicity by Australia Petroleum Energy Association, 183 476 concentration of ethanol extract of soursop seeds or (Mean (MTTF) = 183 476) at 24 hours of observation included in the criteria of Toxicity Medium (Moderately Toxic).



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