
Indus-RCMW: Accompanying Tool for Industrial Remote Maintenance Work

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Abstract (2. Language): 
According to the technological development and the new information and communication technologies NICT, the globalization, the race for competitiveness that drives the search for total quality followed by reduction of the cost. The industrial world has changed a classical world to the modern world while removing any obstacle that influences the place of business in the market. The integration of NICT in different departments of the company has a positive impact in improving the performance of the company, including the Maintenance function. Our contribution focuses on designing a support tool that allows a remote maintenance industrial end to remove the barriers of time and dimension as well as the preservation of a knowledge base to keep different work maintenance and to analyze and monitor each production equipment. In this article we will present the Indus-RCMW project, it is a tool based on NICT to support the work of remote maintenance, while providing a model of the nucleus, and the different tabs allowing performing remote management maintenance (preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance) between operators maintenance.



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