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Abstract (2. Language): 
Having in mind that due to fast changes in techniques and technology especially in the last decade of 20th century, new kinds of business and jobs emerged, the need for new knowledge became very clear. Accordingly, everywhere in the world the existing education system is being redefined, and educational programs that have to closely relate to practice are being improved. For that sake, “new schools for entrepreneurs and managers” are founded, which are based on modern programs and courses meant for various groups of businesspeople. Very popular are virtual faculties, which are founded all around the world and enable connection between businesspeople and business learners with lecturers from all around the world, no matter where they actually might reside. Participating in courses and testing via the Internet, essentially change previous way of gaining knowledge in classical classrooms. This way of learning contributes to fast information exchange, more access to the newest knowledge and experiences in this domain and save the time and money. Thus, in this millennium the classic way of education will be slowly substituted with some other forms of education, in which learning from homes and offices with the help of computers, were true. Interactive education should provide a completely new dimension of gaining knowledge making learning faster and easier for those who attend certain courses. In this article the authors aimed to explain advantages and disadvantages of e-learning with a stress of special benefits for women. Additionally, presented are results of several researches relevant to the topic.