
TOWARDS THE FIELD OF A TRANSFORMATIVE EDUCATION: An Evaluation of the Second University Students at Anadolu University in Terms of Gender

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In a sociological context, this study aims to analyse the reasons for the adult women who study at the Second University with open admission to choose distance education in Turkey. For this study, based on the context of "individual in society", the women who are structured with distance education system and studying at the Second University are thought to be the resources for the researches presenting the educational models necessary for designing a transformative educational field. This research supports the idea that the problem of woman's individual existence in Turkish society can be solved with education and a woman-centred rearrangement of educational facilities. Also, distance education strategies are regarded important for providing equal educational facilities to developing countries like Turkey. In order to enable transformation in constructing the change-transform process in distance education, providing the change in the first place is the primary necessity. The aim is to open the action field and then to experience the transformative process. Evaluating the preferences of the women studying at the Second University within the framework of gender, this research applies the survey method by complying with the screening model. Within the framework of anticipated conditions of the survey, this study was conducted with 429 participants, chosen according to the "Small Sample Techniques" by Krejicie and Morgan. As the variables are of a nominal scale, during the analysis, the square method has been used and the relations have been explained with crosstabs. According to the results of the research, a second degree for women is an important step for them to break the glass ceiling in their work lives. Defined as the learned helplessness of women in work life, the glass ceiling syndrome is eliminated with the chance of a second degree. Also, considered with the positive effects on social life and self-esteem, Second University is thought to be the name of the transformative education process.



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