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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper argues about the role of interactive multimedia and conventional direct method of teaching English in relation to student’s achievement and retention. The interactive interface with the student is possible through computer, laptop and palmtop then any other media. The present experimental study compared the effectiveness of interactive multimedia and conventional direct method of teaching English in relation to students’ achievement and retention. Initially 154 students of class VII of aged 12-14 years was selected for the study and two grouped ware formed of 50 students each in controlled group and experimental group. Experimental group was taught through the interactive multimedia and control group was through the conventional direct method for teaching English. It is concluded that both the method taken for study are quite effective for teaching the English language to class VII students but however, out of these two methods, interactive multimedia method was found more suitable with respect to the marks achieved by them in English. When students were taught through, both direct conventional method & interactive multimedia method than it was found that the acquired retention was better in case of interactive multimedia method.



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