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Abstract (2. Language): 
İn Ihis study, two proliferation markers; i.e. thymidine labeliııg index (TLI) and Ki-67 scores of 32 brcast cancer patients were evaluated by assessing thc relationship wİth other prognostic parameters including lymph node status, nuclear-histopathologic grades, tumor size, estrogen-progesterone status and menopausal status. Both TLI values and Kİ67 scores werc correlated with nuclear and histologİc grades. Wl\ile indices of both proliferation markers were signifi-canüy lower in estrogen receptor positive patients than hormone negative patients, only TLI values were found to be significantly Iower in progesterone receptor positive patients. No other correlations or associations betwcen variables reached staîistical signifıcance. In conclusion, TLI and Ki-67 scores may be independent prognostic factors as nuclear grade and hormonal status.



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