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Abstract (2. Language): 
Calcifyİng epithelial odontogenic tumor, which is locally aggressive İn nature, is a rare benign tumor of jaws. It usually Iocates in the posterior mandibuiar region with the mandibie/maxiiia involvement rate of 2/1. Since its first description by Pindborg in 1955, scveral reports with different hislopathological forms, clinical features and treatment modalities havc been rcport-ed. In this reporl, three cases of calcifying epiüıelial odontogenic tumor, two located İn the maxilla, one located in the mandible are presented. Wc would İİke to remind Ihis rare odontogenic tumor with review of the literatüre and discııss management in plastic surgery.



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A Rare Odontogenic Tumor; Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (Pindborg Tumor)
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